NBC brings back Plan Your Vote tool, expanding into primaries and caucuses

NBC News has brought bit its interactive tool Plan Your Vote for the 2024 election cycle.

The tool was relaunched Jan. 11, 2024, ahead of the Iowa caucuses.

Throughout 2024, Plan Your Vote will provide voters with key information leading up to the 2024 presidential election, the battle for control of the Senate and House, as well as state and local elections across the country.

Plan Your Vote provides a comprehensive, state-by-state guide on voting rules in every state and major changes since the 2022 midterms, including registration deadlines, mail-in voting, early in-person voting and ID requirements.

Plan Your Vote is available at nbcnews.com/playourvote or in Spanish at planificatuvoto.com, the latter of which is handled by sister network Telemundo.

This marks the earliest launch of the Plan Your Vote tool and the first time the tool includes presidential primary and caucus voting rules – available from the Iowa caucuses through election day.

Plan Your Vote made its debut ahead of the 2020 general election and has since helped five million voters, according to NBC.

In collaboration with Telemundo, the tool is available in both English and Spanish, with the ability to toggle between the two languages. NBCUniversal Local’s NBC and Telemundo stations across the nation will feature the Plan Your Vote tool on their local digital platforms.


The tool was built and is powered by the NBC News Data Graphics team with information supplied by the NBC News Decision Desk and politics team. 

As before, NBC is using an ultra thick, extended typeface to brand the effort. A similar look was used for the interactive tool Plan Your Vaccine, an interactive tool to help viewers navigate COVID-19 vaccines, particularly during the early days of the shots’ availability. 

Note: The promos embedded in this article are from the 2020 version of Plan Your Vote.